Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Success!!!! is it??

After my 12th, I was confused. I never thought that even I would be planning for my future someday. So after a number of free advice from aunties of colony I decided to go and meet some really learned men to figure out , what I should do with my life.

Personally I was interested in taking PAINTING as my career, though I am not a good painter or something like that. But I was (actually still I am) mesmerised by the mystique of painters who paints advertisement on walls or hoardings. What attracted me more is there name like AAJNABEE Painter, CHOCO BOY painter, etc. They are really cool people, they come in night like batman (or may be in day but who cares but me), do there job and vanishes like Bats do.

 On a fateful day one of my so called well wisher punctured my childhood dream of becoming a painter.

He said life of a painter (street) is full of sufferance, agony, misery (oh god i never felt so much pain in my ears before, stop these synonyms ) , in fact the word itself has pain in it PAIN-ter!!!! So after an hour or may be two of brain storming  we zeroed on CA as a career path ( Though I later felt pain for 5 long years while pursuing it).

So  the rat race began one day. Though I used to be a good student in school  (at least my report card depicts so!) I fell twice and finally completed it in the third go (AAooo...success, ) But you know victory is sweet when you've known defeat.  Although half hearted I chased my so called dream, it gave me inner peace on its realisation and yes a lot of happiness to my parents.

Sometimes I wonder is it a 3 Idiots effect that every now and then, artist inside me, makes me feel  restless. But let it cry inside me. What I learnt lesson from my life ( Doosro ki galti se kya sikhna ...make your own mistakes yaar) let the world end in 2012 or even today.Sometimes this success really sucks!!! Who cares , If you are enjoying the day today. May be, Someday I will be organising an exhibition of my paintings or may be i became a successful CA . But who the hell has seen future. I am enjoying the day today and that is important . May be I have learnt to LIVE in present.

Success is an abstract term. And you are successful only if you believes so. I am successful in my own way! May be someday i will be considered by the society as successful man.

1 comment:

  1. awesome h dost sara blog muaah......
    mind blowing......
